Third3ye represents a collective of like-minded artists, with frontmen Melodownz and Angelo King coming together to produce a spiritually-conscious form of hip-hop from sunny Aotearoa.
As a collective, the crew is all about experimenting with new sounds and creative content - messages of philosphy, enlightenment and higher consciousness mixed with real life experiences and raw ideas, from a pictured backdrop in Queenstown, or the back streets of Pukekohe and Avondale.
Third3ye have been making sound waves across Aotearoa since the release of their 2014 debut album On3ness. They have performed at a number of NZ’s leading festivals, including Laneway, Rhythm & Vines, Homegrown & Soundsplash, along with a number of sell-out shows across the country spreading their message of love, peace, humanity, and interconnectedness.
A hip-hop outfit with a soul twist, Third3ye is set to make noise internationally in 2016 and the years to come, with plans for their sophomore album already in the cooker, and The 3P ready for release.